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August 2023

Irina Sheynfeld and her late husband established the Odesa Peace Fund in order to send much-needed resources to Ukraine, beginning with the city of Odesa. 100% of your donation will provide meals, clothes, medicine, and more to seniors, orphans, disabled people, animals to where they’re most needed, in Odesa and beyond.
Support the Odesa Peace Fund with one tax-deductible gift through the Goodnation Foundation:

Project of the Week, March 6
Internet System
We were able to buy a Starlink* internet system and deliver it to the children’s hospital in Odessa. Our partners in Odesa, a charity organization Let’s Help, installed it on the hospital’s roof, and now 100 kids who are permanently residing there will be able to access the internet and attend the online school, have entertainment, and talk to their friends.
We have also supplied territorial defense units with Starlink replacement parts to help them stay connected.
The issue
The world has watched in horror as Ukraine has come under attack. Millions of people living in Ukraine have had to make the terrifying decision of whether to stay or flee. Images and videos show destroyed cities, families squeezing into bomb shelters, crowds rushing to catch departing trains and fleeing on foot with only what they can carry.
Many of us feel helpless and are wondering what we can do to help. The clear answer is to give now.
How you can help
The Odesa Peace Fund is sending resources directly to Ukraine, where they are being used to procure and deliver food, medical supplies, water, clothes and whatever else people (and animals) living in Odesa and beyond are in need of. Read more about the impact so far below. 100% of your donation goes to the Fund.
Irina and her husband began by self funding this effort from day one of the war, before beginning to fundraise on March 20. As new requests from the ground come in daily, their efforts to support the people of Ukraine continue to ramp up.
A note from the founders
We met 30+ years ago in Odesa, Ukraine as teenagers before coming to the US as refugees and having the opportunity to prosper and build a life together here. Our bond to Odesa is strong and it pains us immensely that most of its inhabitants have fled, those left are suffering, and the city we know and love is about to be turned into rubble.
Prior to this crisis, we have done our philanthropy quietly and passively, supporting a number of worthy causes across various organizations. We have never solicited our friends or business acquaintances. This time is different. The urgency of this crisis is catastrophic and our personal connection to it is unique. Therefore, we have decided to give more than we have ever given to a single cause, make our effort public, and take direct control of it by working closely with organizations on the ground.
Thank you for your consideration.
Administration fees are covered so that 100% of your donation goes directly to the cause. With a single gift to the Odesa Peace Fund, you will provide direct support to people in crisis, wherever it is most needed.
Support the Fund through a tax-deductible gift through the Goodnation Foundation:
The Fund founders are personally overseeing these efforts, ensuring all donations are distributed accordingly. If, in addition to donating funds, you would like to give your time and energy, please be in touch, as extra help on the administration and operations end will be much appreciated.

Photo Credit: Tamila Afanasyeva, leader of the charitable organization Odessa Peace Council
Impact so far
Volunteer spotlight
RSS Parent Association was created by Jessica Politis, Periel Aschenbrand, and Robyn Sacks Matthews with support from Rodeph Sholom School, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Friedland Properties, 400 Central Park West, Flatiron Family Medicine, NutriFresh Services and an army of volunteers. In a matter of days, they mobilized a citywide campaign to provide vital humanitarian aid to families in the heart of war-torn Ukraine who were in desperate need of food and supplies.
To date, they have sent 223 boxes with over 8,920 pounds of humanitarian aid including but not limited to medical supplies, first aid, food, clothing, undergarments, feminine products, diapers, wipes, baby carriers, baby formula, bottles, blankets, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, tactical backpacks, and tactical gloves.
Each box is meticulously organized, packed, and labeled in 3 languages: English, Ukrainian, and Russian. All items collected have gone into Ukraine, mostly directly into Odessa, and the items sent have been specifically requested by the recipients.

Photo Credit: Rodeph Sholom School
Featured In:
As part of Miami’s and Miami Beach’s move to make Odessa, Ukraine a ‘sister city,’ the local government sent out a newsletter to 98,000 residents encouraging donations to the Odessa Peace Fund.